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Posted By: d.jones 03/11/03 23:46
Source IP: (logged)
In Reply To: WHAT A GREAT NIGHT carol wood 22/10/03 00:51

: I have just been to le Roc south coast and what a night
: the teacher is amazing, great moves the music
: fantastic and the venue is gorgeous.
: if only the rest of the so called modern jive
: organisations were this good but to be honest i don't
: think there is a teacher in the whole of the south that
: can touch this one for quality and experience and
: personality
: and to all the people that will probably think this is
: a put up job it is not i am being honest
: if you've never been to or made the trip to
: christchurch
: then i can highly recommend that you do so !
well said carol this night is probably the best in the south let alone the u.k.
i've tried mo jive and all i can say is that mo jive have nice venues but there teaching is absolutley diabolical and i'm not just talking about one night @ one venue i've been to most of them and to be honest they don't have one good teacher throughout there whole organisation
and there supposed d.j's play probably the worst music for anywhere
as for le roc & paul amos @ the kings arms the music is second to none and the teaching is first class.
and paul doesn't charge you rip off prices for a night out either still only £5.00
a bargain if it has to be said.






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